The Top 5 Most Surprising Facts That Went Viral This Week

Here at Daily Blog Info, we're always on the lookout for the latest and greatest news stories that are sure to grab our readers' attention. And this week, we've come across some truly surprising facts that have taken the internet by storm. From shocking statistics to unexpected revelations, here are the top 5 most surprising facts that went viral this week.

1. 1 in 3 Americans Would Rather Give Up Sex Than Their Smartphones

In a recent survey conducted by BankMyCell, it was revealed that 33% of Americans would rather give up sex for a year than part with their beloved smartphones. The study also found that 45% of respondents would give up alcohol, while 40% would give up caffeine. The results show just how important smartphones have become in our daily lives.

2. More People Die From Selfies Than Shark Attacks Each Year

While shark attacks often make headlines, it turns out that more people actually die from taking selfies each year. In fact, a recent study found that there were 259 selfie-related deaths between 2011 and 2017, compared to just 50 deaths from shark attacks during the same period.

3. The Fastest Animal in the World Is Actually a Shrimp

When most people think of the fastest animals in the world, they probably think of cheetahs or peregrine falcons. However, the mantis shrimp actually holds the title for the fastest animal in the world. This little crustacean can strike its prey with the force of a .22 caliber bullet, and its punch is so fast that it creates a shockwave that can stun or kill its prey.

4. The World's Largest Snow Maze Is Located in Canada

If you're a fan of winter activities, then you'll be amazed by the world's largest snow maze, which is located at the Fort William Historical Park in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. The maze covers over 30,000 square feet and is made entirely of snow. It takes visitors an average of 45 minutes to navigate their way through the maze.

5. Dogs Can Detect Malaria in Humans

It's no secret that dogs have an incredible sense of smell, but did you know that they can actually detect malaria in humans? In a recent study, trained dogs were able to sniff out malaria in samples of socks that had been worn by infected individuals. The dogs were able to detect the disease with an accuracy rate of 70%.

These are just a few of the most surprising facts that have gone viral this week. Stay tuned to Daily Blog Info for more fascinating news stories that are sure to grab your attention.


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